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Shy/Asshole Confusion

Coined by Larry David in the "The Acupuncturist" episode of HBO's "Curb Your Enthusiasm", Shy/Asshole Confusion is when one mistakes a shy person's quiet demeanor for that of an asshole.

Larry: I don't know why you call him an asshole. He's not an asshole, he's just shy.

Cheryl: No, he's not shy. He thinks he's smarter than everbody else and he sits there and he judges and he-

Larry: No, he doesn't, he's just shy! You've got shy/asshole confusion, my friend.

by Meeyort Snurn May 22, 2008

985๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž

Shy Gamer Syndrome

The inability to play to your peak performance when being watched by an audience.

John: " hey man did you see mark play"
Larry: " yea he sucks"
John: "no he just has shy gamer syndrome when your there"

by Wade Slack Alex Lefebvre February 15, 2008

42๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

cute shy girl

The girl everyone knows-
She's hott, she's cutte, she is shy.
and out of your league.
but she doesn't know that.
And is to shy with boys, for other girl's sakes.

Boy1: damn she's cute, she single
Boy:2: haha don't even go there man,
Boy1:why dude? you know you would too.
Boy2:dude, she's really aint that easy to get of a girl.
Boy:1: oh, i see, those cute shy girl s always confuse me, its liek they dont know their fine or somethin

by RoyalTeen July 5, 2008

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Shy pooper

Someone that needs to poop but instead hold it in for several days
This leads to constipation

John Is a Shy pooper! He hasnt pooped in a week!!!!!

by JonasF November 24, 2019

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High n' Shy

a term used to describe someone who is overly shy and timid due to marijuana inhalation.

"I totally would have talked to that hot redhead but I had a case of the High n' Shy."

by Dillon Thomson January 27, 2009

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Shy Shitter Syndrome

Shy Shitter Syndrome, or SSS for short, is an epidemic that makes waves, or lack there of, around the world. People suffering from this terrible plaque have trouble taking a shit in public, or when people are around, making it very unpleasant for the sufferer and people they're with.

Ted: Dude, I gotta take a shit so bad.
Bill: Well there's a bathroom over there.
Ted: I can't use a public restroom! I suffer from Shy Shitter Syndrome!

by LogoNinja August 14, 2014

Shy Bitch Confusion

When you can't tell if someone is shy or is just a bitch.

Person 1 - "Look at her over in the corner all by herself with that smirk on."

Person 2 - "Dude, maybe she just has shy bitch confusion"

by SEA_0814 March 22, 2011

31๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž