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Its like putting socks on an octopus

It's like putting socks on an octopus is an expression used to say that something is crazy.

Thats so crazy its like putting socks on an octopus

by potvaliant cloud June 15, 2024

Octopus expansion

The best DLC in history, yes better than the land DLC for fish that led to our existence. However, you bought the fitness DLC for the game that is life. You let an 8-ball fall, test fucking failed

Octopus expansion, better known as be a fucking octoling or perish is the best. You disliked this, test failed

by iddunno March 22, 2021

Octopus Dick

When a dick can be used just like the arm of an octopus. it usually doesn't get looked at as attractive.

Person 1: Yo homie u got a small ass dick bro
Person 2: nah homie I got the Octopus dick in my pants

by Trotec69420 November 30, 2020

Rapid Octopus

When a woman with 4 toes sucks you and gets cum under her toenails.

That Rapid Octopus was absurd baby!

by Rapid Octopus maker May 28, 2022

sea dasher octopus

When you finger 8 hoes 8 fingers till they all squirt on you

I gave the sorority a sea dasher octopus to never forget

by ria hcnep May 21, 2020

Super Ultra Mega Octopus

Inviting 7 of your friends to insert all your dicks in a stripper

"Hey Sweet Tits Wanna make a Super Ultra Mega Octopus With me,John,Mark,Sam,Tim,Dan,Jack and Larry?"

by Mr. The Name is a secret Silly August 24, 2018