Source Code

Metal Gear

It can't be

Metal gear it can't be

by Veiynoum2310 July 5, 2019

con gear

Short for converter gear. A set of wheels, dolly or a bogie, that connects and supports two semi trailers (three in some states) as doubles or triples. The word people commonly use to describe big rigs, semi, actually means semi trailer. A semi trailer is supported by it's back wheels, with a truck tractor (the technical for a truck cab) a full trailer is supported by its own wheels, front and rear, being towed or connected to a truck cab. People misuse the word semi, thinking it describes a tractor trailer when in fact the semi is only a detachable cargo carrier, not connected to the power unit/tractor. That's why its called a semi trailer. A full trailer only needs to be pulled behind a vehicle, it supports itself. With two semi trailers they need a set of wheels between them, an axle for the back trailer. A con gear is an independent set of wheels, when detached, interchangeable if it needs repairs. A con gear can weigh as much as a car and sometimes needs to be moved or positioned by the driver.

To connect a set of doubles the driver needs a con gear.

by Faultliner June 13, 2019

Fresh Gear

The term Fresh Gear is most commonly used by Australia’s delinquents or Eshays. The Eshay culture enjoys high quality street wear calling there fit Fresh Gear usually acquired after staunching a random cunt for his gear at your local skato or train station

Eshay 1: “Oi Damo just staunched this seedy fucker for his white tns at the skato aye”

Eshay 2: “That’s some mad fresh gear lad”

by CumGuzzler2019 December 16, 2019

hit a gear

To be very upset with someone and react in a violent tone with arms flailing and occasionaly throwing close by objects or your fists at the person you are upset with.

(sil) my father hit a gear and threw the wicker table

i hit a gear on my little brother

(mc) he said something stupid so i hit a gear

by Seanlu January 24, 2011

Richard Gear

A slang term for coke/cocaine based on the actor Richard Gere

I've got enough Richard Gear to get you through your post 'rona celebrations....

by Mike Dibble April 27, 2020

Gear Vidding

When someone participates in a contest or challenge to win free camera gear or awards.

Thomas only had a Canon T3i last week now he has an Alexa Mini LF. I think he was Gear Vidding.

by Gobsonnnn July 4, 2020

Gorilla Gear

anything made by nike

that dumb nigga got da gorilla gear

by osma's left nut August 22, 2021