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Short Bussin'

When something is referred to as stoopid, or retarded in regards to the level of sickness. Refer to Bussin, or Sick for further understanding

That shit short bussin'

by Lordt of the Nort August 27, 2023

Jargo Shorts

Denim Cargo Shorts... Found in the south, Wisconsin and the Dakotas, this is an article of clothing that is usually smeared in grease or stained with 10-High Whisky...

Just slip you hand into Cletis' Jargo Shorts and pull out another shell fast, I need to drop this 9-point buck.

by McSquizit July 11, 2008

short ringed

When calling someone's mobile phone and the caller is sent to voicemail after just one ring. If the phone was off, it would go to voicemail immediately. Short ringing means the receiver does not care to talk to the caller.

Friend 1: I was trying to call my girlfriend, but it went to voicemail after only one ring. I guess she doesn't want to talk to me.

Friend 2: Dude, you just got short ringed.

by reveren December 23, 2013

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Short Squaring

Using less than the typically requisite amount of toilet paper because on an impending outage.

I'm having to short square it with two squares per ass wipe because my roommate won't go to the store.

I think my ass is shitty because I'm short squaring it until my parents bring toiletries this weekend.

by Jimmy Garr February 3, 2009

Short Story

A story thats supposed to be readable in one sitting. Therefore, short stories usually are less than 50 pages. The 'shortest' short story is "For sale: Baby shoes, never worn". Its a okay short story, as in those six words, you can sense a tragedy, like the baby died, or the mother had a miscarriage. That shows it can be considered a short story, as you got a sense of something from those 6 words.

Mike: I just finished my short story, its 3 pages long.
Liam: Good, as long as it shows a good story, its fine.

by TheStrangerWhoKnows November 18, 2018

short mommy

short mfs that are 4,6

zamm shes a short mommy

by ANGEL <33 March 9, 2022

covering shorts

(FINANCE) the situation in which a derivatives trader with a short position is wrong about the behavior of the market. Having sold shares of stock he doesn't own, he is now compelled to buy them at a higher price than he sold them for (in order to reimburse whomever he borrowed the shares from).

If the short position was taken by writing naked options (i.e., issuing call options of stock the trader doesn't happen to have), then the trader has to buy shares of underlying stock in order to honor the options.

It's extremely expensive for traders to have to cover their shorts.

The surprising stock rally came as a shock. Nicholas Leeson had been riding high, but now he was furiously covering shorts, and driving the share prices higher still. By closing bell, he was ruined.

by Abu Yahya May 5, 2010

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