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a big answer

When some makes ‘a big ask’ of you and you deliver in a major way. a big ask, big ask, big answer, deliver, get r done, get it done, taking care of business, handle your business, doing work, helping

When I asked you to take care of my kids for a year while I went to rehab was a big ask. You took care of them and started a college fund for them. You delivered a big answer. Thanks!

by joecoolthefool June 5, 2019

answered 4+4

slang. (v.) Usually starting with a pronoun (e.g. he, she), It is another word for the slang term "ate". The reason for it changing is because of the homophones "ate" and "eight", the answer of 4+4. Other variations such as 2*4, 16/2, 7+1, and 2+6 are also accepted.

Lil Tay answered 4+4 in her new song! 😍😍

by Larsbutb4d October 1, 2023

Mr. No answer

Mr. No answer is a term used on people that usually doesn't answer when you call them or text them. Even though you know they are online.

When someone doesn't answer you but you know they are online, you write "Mr. No answer" to them.

by 0rdy May 7, 2017

The Answer To Life, The Universe, And Everything

42 is the meaning of life, the universe and everything
Source: The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy by Douglas Adams
Not a very trustworthy source, I know

Deep Thought: The answer to life, the universe, and everything
Everyone: yes…
Deep Thought: is…
Everyone: yes…
Deep Thought: 42

by Gdisvvc March 19, 2023

The answer to life, the universe, and everything

42(search this on google)

Hey, you know that scene from Hitchhikers Guide to the galaxy? The answer to life, the universe, and everything ? Yeah the answer is 42.

by DanielTheCake September 7, 2020

exam answers

Are you trying to cheat? are you really that dumb that you can't just sit down and study for like 2 hours, how do you expect to pass and go to Harvard huh?

person: I am so lazy i can't study for 2 hours for my upcoming exam
Person: *searches in google for exam answers*

by do you need my name? October 4, 2023

Answer Blip

Its a short answer to a question that includes less than 10 words. If gives you your answer quickly with no fluff. It was made popular by www.answerblip.com

Q:What's the only city inside another city. Answer Blip: Vatican City

by Geek a leak October 10, 2009