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prickles in a pear

From Disney Channel, meaning you're in trouble.

I forgot my homework! I guess I've got my prickles in a pear!

by ywy3lover September 9, 2023

Something in the pear

Absolute Pear
Soda water

A little lemonade

A little grenadine

Something in the pear is… Defined as Sweet, yet tart and absolutely amazing…

by Cody Gay July 19, 2023

Alligator pear

The legendary creature that is a cross between an alligator and a pear, legends say that it walks the earth destroying everything in its path.

It is also another name for avocado.

A:the alligator pear has arrived! we are all going to die!
B:What the fuck are you talking about? It's just an avocado

by ZIMBABUE April 25, 2024

alligator pears

Australian slang for avocado.

I just ate some delicious alligator pears!

by Oswald Petond November 25, 2008

1👍 2👎

pickled pear

mean, rude, just anything bad; it can also mean something frisky if you know what i mean 😏

Apple is being such a pickled pear today 😡”

by mesca September 2, 2023

Pear tree

A person who is more talented at something than most people.

“Dude that is so cool! Even I don’t know how to do that!”
“I don’t know what so say man, I guess I’m just a pear tree.”

by anxi3_t3a October 21, 2021

Pear Jawn

A Korean-pear flavored water-ice called TankBoy usually stored in flexible plastic tube-like bottle. It is very sweet and taste exactly like Korean-pears.

Next time, I'm going to H-Mart by myself so I can eat all five pear jawns by myself.

by reyalpratiug April 25, 2011