Someone who is prone to coining new words or phrases on or about the number π once their mind’s eye leads them to see how an apparently unrelated idea or concept within or outside math could be linked to the most famous constant in mathematics.
While writing the manuscript for “Never Write a Math Book Without π,” Ian has been struck with pi syndrome since the start of the pandemic.
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the littest game ever, found on one of those cheap little handheld 8-bit console thingies. The panda farts to get over the gaps in the great wall of china and it eats bamboo. its on a mad one fr.
When a postmodern artist uses their own blood or the blood of animals as paint to draw the irrational number π, or to take part in a pi project as part of a math-and-art exhibition.
An artist from the Philippines told the journalist who interviewed him that his bloody pi paintings, which symbolizes his DNA in art, aren't for sale, but the public could view them at his private gallery.
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When the number π is being blessed today as a symbol of global recognition that few remember that she was once addicted to geometry, particularly chained to the circle (until she gained her freedom thanks to her contributions to other branches of mathematics), and suffered centuries-long depression as mathematicians vied to assign her the best approximate value based on their methods of computation.
From her early humble days in Greece in the hands of Archimedes, when they’re trying to determine a good approximation for her, the number π has hitherto remained a constant of choice among the mathematical brethren, who hope that the discovery of pi plus secrets would help advance their career and achieve mathematical fame or immortality.
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When numerologists or paranormal gurus claim that the present value of the transcendental number π on a planet or from a galaxy was different in the past and will change again in the future due to competing invisible forces in the spiritual realm.
A Fields medalist confided to some close faculty colleagues that he believes in the pi tense hypothesis albeit he couldn’t prove it.
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When the hourly or daily point swings for certain volatile stocks or cryptocurrencies appear to follow the digits of the irrational number π.
Since the Covid-19 outbreak, superstitious speculators who’ve witnessed a number of pi swings wonder whether there could be some numerological or paranormal explanation to that perceived phenomenon.
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When the ghost or spirit of the number π would appear to some lucky mathematicians or math educators to reveal to them some of her sexy numerical, geometric, or trigonometric properties—when they least expect her to visiting them, while experiencing an aha!
Unlike demonic apparitions that petrify even diehard Proud Boys “patriots,” pi apparitions are welcomed by both the mathematical brethren and the numerological fraternity.
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