A pixel chick is one of the saddest of creatures, generally female, over thirty years of age, and having no significant emotional relationship in her 'real life', finds an online boyfriend who usually ends up being attached to someone else or even married in his own 'real life'. Pixel Chicks are easily gotten rid of, a change of a disposable game, email, or Skype account and you don't even have to deal with the dreaded 'break up scene'. Standard calendar holidays do not apply to this type of girlfriend, typically celebrated the day AFTER the actual holi-date. For example, Valentine's day, February 14th, is for the wife, Valentine's Day for your Pixel Chick is February 15th. A Pixel Chick's desirability usually expires anywhere from a period of six weeks to six months. Once the Pixel Chick finds herself dumped once more, she will eat copious amounts of ice cream for several days, log back online, and try again.
No, Debbie is my wife, Christina my side chick, and Michelle is my pixel chick; gotta keep them straight man.
Window shopping and posting it on social media.
I saw him/her pixel shopping in Gucci on Instagram
What you call a terrible Grapchic designer or UI/UX designer.
Liz doesn't know how to combine colour, she's a Pixel Trash.
The best Star Stable Club on earth
Wow look at them! I want to be a part of the Pixel Roses
Best Game Every.
Online social sandbox game, has the best community every. Way better than Growtopia And PixelWorlds. also breaworlds sucks
Pixel Pig is a banger song, which Tom Holland loves to dance to.
"Damnnnn did you see Tom Holland dance to Pixel Pig?" - Zendaya