Source Code


You see? It does exist!

person 1: nonsense!
person 2: yes-sense!

by MattTheFat March 15, 2011

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The concept of sense as the fundamental (discrete) unit of time or sense-time as the fundamental unit of aesthetic.

Commonly attributed to semplices or musical movements.

Formalized by its creation of future mediums.

The paradigm of sense-time indicates that while music emerges from aesthetic music itself creates aesthetic. Music even predicts and creates mediums in the future. Thus sense-time or music is the fundamental (discrete) unit of aesthetic.

by sandraxine August 26, 2018

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phone sense

The ability to pick up a phone right before it rings, vibrates, or emits a notification

After hearing a ring once I picked up my phone, I knew I had a little bit of phone sense.

by Xenonn11 February 13, 2014

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black sense

Black Sense is similar to the Marvel Superhero, Spider-Man's ability to detect danger. Giving the person the ability to "sense" when a moment not beneficial is about to occur. This sense can take affect in any situation, such as when you should not pick up a poisonous plant, to a situation is turning unfavorable possibly leading to an altercation.

Girl: Wow that is a pretty flower. I have never seen such a beautiful red color on one before.
Black Person: Nah. My black sense is tingling, you shouldn't touch that flower.

... Two Hours later...
Girl: Hey I found the photo of the flower, apparently it's poisonous and not commonly found in this area.

by Keller91 March 14, 2018

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condom sense

like common sense. its common sense for having sex by using a condom

guy 1- dude.. i got my girl pregnant..
guy 2- wft man. you didn't use protection? now thats just a lack of condom sense

by alliOG August 28, 2008

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Common sense

A concept that people rely upon in order to avoid having to justify their opinions.

Common sense dictates that if it is hot outside, you should not wear long sleeves.

by RickC84 December 14, 2014

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spidey sense

a sense that you gain once you have become an experienced pot-smoker. This sense is an enhancment of your sense of smell which allows you to detect the smell of marijuana from extreme distances in extreme conditions.

yo, you smell that, my spidey sense is tingling!

by lumpkin face March 25, 2006

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