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The Gods hug of your feet.

Man, my feet are so warm in these slippers it's like the gods are hugging my feet!

by Slippergod March 15, 2021


Originally Asian slang meaning to give face, which is to show respect or deference to someone, often as a way of maintaining or enhancing their reputation and honor. It is an idiom that is particularly important in many Asian cultures, where the concept of “face” – or the reputation and honor of an individual or group – is highly valued.

Used commonly across Asians globally. If you say, "I give you slippers" to someone you are showing them respect and giving them honor that will make them and their Asian ancestors proud.

"I just slipped in front of my friends and family. I feel so lack of slippers."

"You didn't take off your shoes when you came into the house. You are not giving the host slippers."

"You lost me slippers when you got an A- in your test."

"I give you slippers, you give me slippers, we good lah."

"Son why you no doctor? I am losing slippers among relatives."

by koeb tae January 12, 2024


the true weapon of death used by all mothers

I died by a slipper

by Val~ December 17, 2021


A literal god dang shoe just made for your ass to die and to feel pain. If mom is dumb enough, she'll use these for shoes.

my fat mama is killing me! Help someone get the slipper out of her hand boi

by mommywithaslipper November 29, 2022


The most powerful weapon in the universe, first weaponized by the Asians before physics was invented. It is capable of both short and long range devastation, and in the old days it could even be finessed through time and space. It also doubles as fashionable footwear and as such, is very easy to deploy quickly if you know what you are doing.

You got a B in math?


by Steven He's Biggest Fan March 16, 2022


It's an indoor and outdoor footwear that
is a roofless shoe with straps to slide in
each your toes separating the big toe
from the 4 other toes, also helps
preventing germs from passing through
the skin from your feet and cause fetal
diseases coming from your feet.

Have you seen my brand new Louis Vuitton slippers??

by ariannasfff January 17, 2022


Mere footwear to westerners but a Lethal Weapon of Mass destruction for Asian mothers and seen sometimes used by Spanish Mothers

"Kimmy was beat to death by a slipper because he got a bad score"

by Ant Guy May 18, 2023