A subset of slobs (PIRUs) who practice man boy-love.
Dem puto slobs over there be trippin at Riches.
A slang term for sucking a penis, by either gender, and in the act, involves excessive amount of saliva(slob, slobbing) for it to be a "messy" process. Nob is the british slang for penis, although this saying did not originate from there.
Man can she slob the nob!
When a feminist is chosen by natural selection to poop on your corn (penis) and/or decides to bite all the individual feces particles off of your knob.
Yo, you know that chick in our class Sallie? She gave me corn slob no cap
Sucking dick or a girl giving oral sex to a boy
She slob tha nob yesterday
A person who only wants to suck dick and nothing else. Spends their whole day sucking dick.
That girl is a total slob junkie.
To suck on a fake dick, suck as a dildo.
Trans man: bro she pulled a slob on my fake knob!!!
Girl: I’m so damn proud of you for pulling mad pussy
a dead slob is someone who is fat and dead.
man did you see the news about that dead slob??