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Sneeze of Death

(N.) Sneeze of Death. The REAL cause of the Extinction of the Dinosaurs, not that whole Meteor thing. Done by Homer Simpson, using a Time Traveling Toaster in 300,000,000 B.C.

Bonecrusha, nigga!

by G-Union November 27, 2003

13๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

penis sneeze

When a penis sneezes.When a penis ejaculates.


====8 ~~~

by Haleigh April 12, 2005

16๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sheet sneeze

Another phrase for ejaculating while in bed

Holy shorts randy you just sheet sneezed in Blakeโ€™s bed how do you feel?

by Kaidonado March 16, 2020

Sheet sneeze

Another phrase for ejaculating in bed

Holy shorts randy you sheet sneezed all over blames bed.

by Kaidonado March 16, 2020

Shlakum Sneeze

The act of releasing a well filled & inflated condom of semen schlakum onto your female partners face after intercourse

Have sex (with condom), blow your load into condom, inflate condom in secrecy, while she fixes the pillows, turn condom upside down so that shlakum is towards currently sealed end, and release. This results in a splatter of shlakum sneeze all over your girls face. They love this.

by Shlakum 22 September 28, 2019

The Big Sneeze


Ayo look at Adam, the big sneeze

by pseudonym724 February 6, 2021

Sneeze Money

To be so rich that you sneeze money (figuratively speaking)

Bob-"Man P. Diddy is so rich it's not even fair.."
Billy-"Every time he sneezes you know he sneeze money"

by playswitsquirls January 12, 2010