Source Code


Advanced Technology. Used in an artistic way to support Artificial Intelligence.

I will teh-ko a robot.

by Kodremus, dit Jack-Al September 13, 2003

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4 teh lulz

When your actions are solely "for the laughs," or just for fun/jokes.

Only spoken by the l33t /b/tards.

Alex: Why'd you blow up the Twin Towers, Mr. Bin Laden?

by nicolenitrous March 30, 2009

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oh teh noes

Usually used to express extreme failure in n00bish. Can be used sarcastically or not.

w/o sarcasm: Oh the noes! I just lost all of mah inventory

w/ sarcasm: wtf? I just got killed again!
oh teh noes!

by Wagong May 24, 2008

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Guan Kiong Teh

A semi-heterosexual male who insists on trying to convince others that he has immense knowledge in various unknown subjects that know one knows. When one such person who has concrete knowledge does appear, he hides back into the guan kiong cave to live in exile with his fellow batu cave bats. Guan Kiong Teh is secretly, the Malaysian batman.

eg. Guan Kiong Teh : Yeah the French here is slightly wrong, it should be this.
Actual person who knows French: Actual, *speaks fluent french* it is perfectly correct.

Guan Kiong Teh : knn smlj

by Lim "GraffikMonkey" Zhi Hua September 20, 2013

teh s uck

when something sucks so bad that its degree of sucking cannot be adequately described.

Originates from an adult swim message board conversation circa 2002 when a user, ragging on anime, made the statement "cuz anime is teh s uck." The space was necessary to circumvent message board filters.

Jimmy: I think I'm gonna watch Sarah Palin's Alaska on TLC tonight.
Carter: man, that show is teh s uck!

by StewieHateYoMama November 29, 2010

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teh bo shizzle

1. the good shit.
2. general greatness in being.

1. 'This stew is teh bo shizzle.'
2. 'This my friend, is teh bo shizzle.'
3. 'I am teh bo shizzle.'

by JT4130 August 20, 2007

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Teh Noobzors Pro

Lucas Wade Firmin. Smalltown Chap. Lives in vegas and will be a virgin till he retires.

"You guys seen Teh Noobzors Pro lately?" "Last i saw him he was beatin off to May 05' Playboy...for the 79th time

by @n0n0n0nmous September 2, 2008

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