cc is a shy ass weirdo but once u get to know her your in dipshit but in a good dipshit way, she's very observant ,very horny THE BEST FUCKING FRIEND YOU WILL EVEER GET so keep he/she very close okay because a friend like this only comes once in a life's time I guess unless she's/he's is coming with you to the afterlife.
Malaki's baby girl she is smart kind and beutyfull and even tboe they fight good luck separating them
Yo you get cc snap
No malaki will kill me
A common abbreviation of "carbon copy".
A carbon copy, in email terms, is sending an exact copy of an email (hence "carbon copy") to another person besides the main recipient(s). It differs from simply forwarding or putting another person in the "to" section in that it indicates they are simply passive readers, and not the main subjects intended to respond.
The term stems from when a sheet of carbon was placed between a document and a blank piece of paper. A pen or pencil was pressed down on the fresh sheet of paper to make an exact copy of the original piece of writing. Now it is simply used metaphorically.
I CC'd my mother on the business document.
Hey Bill, make sure to CC July on the schedule update.
I'll CC you the email for future reference.
CC is short for Credit Card.
Im going to get a new cc today, My old one broke.
Someone who matters to me and who I love 💞
"Cc deserves the world"
This means different things depending on which level of cultured you are on and how beefy your pc is.
In the Sims 4, it means "custom content". They're mods but clothing/cosmetic items, because god knows EA is never good enough to make content for their own games. If you download too much of these, your CPU fan will spin quick enough to lift off the face of the earth
In League of Legends, it means "crowd control". This describes abilities on a champion that can remove or tone down the enemy's abilities. Because
On Youtube, it means "closed captioning". It means subtitles for people who are deaf or hard of hearing. It can also refer to the Creative Commons licence, which to be honest, is totally beyond me. As Skooch said in one of his videos, I "don't brain too big"
In everyday life, it is confusing as heck.
"My champion has zero CC!"
"Oh it must be pretty trash then"
that dome ass kid that thikes shess so nice she thakes your the jurk but you know she is
that bich cc