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A guy who pulls out.

Andy is such a gentleman. He always tells me that he's going to jizz in me, but pulls out instead.

by Nurse Ninja December 5, 2016

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True Gentleman

A man who can play the banjo, but chooses not to.

A True Gentleman is a man who can play the banjo, but chooses not to.

by jaz03 December 9, 2019

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Gentleman's pounding

To give a woman an especially rough round of sex after having attended/participated in a classy event such as a scotch tasting or gala affair.

Wow, Rob gave me a real gentleman's pounding after scotchfest last night...

by tigersfan March 13, 2011

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Gentleman's Agreement

An unwritten agreement between a group of people (usually friends playing a game) to not do something extremely dickish or unfair, no matter how tempting or obvious it may be.

A famous example of a gentleman's agreement is when players would always agree to not use Oddjob in Goldeneye N64, and no one would object.

by Someone who kinda exists September 6, 2022

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A Real Gentleman

A phrase used by sus people to brag about themselves while wanting to save face. Used often by crooked business leaders, and executives.

Common behaviors of anyone that says they're "a real gentleman" include:

- picks their nose on zoom meetings
- strips down to tidy whities in a public bathrooms and gives themselves a sponge bath out of the sink
- farts in professional settings
- gives all glory to himself
- warns against the risks of hiring women because they might get pregnant
- calls clients while taking a dump
- writes fake reviews about their business calling themselves a gentleman

"The CEO often described himself as 'a real gentleman' when others would disagree with him or question his character."

by Daniel Rossi January 26, 2023

Gentleman's Pinch

The gentleman's pinch is whats best described as Columbia's finest cocaine, usually consumed by the middle and upper class demographic, especially in places like Australia and New Zealand given the high price for this wonder drug. You will see on occasions a crack head that has saved up his/her payments from the government or pawned a stolen TV, lash out and treat themselves to a gram of gentleman's pinch, but this is definitely not the norm and will not threaten the status of the gentleman's pinch. It is widely socially acceptable due to the salubrious nature of the drug, and has a way of uniting people and has assisted in forging many life long friendships.

Hey Stu, we should get some gentleman's pinch to celebrate! You're not wrong Brad, let's see if old mate down the road has any that's top shelf and untouched! See if Seany is keen as well. Fuck remember the last time this happened, Brad went over to that group of chicks and offered them some of the finest gentleman's pinch, nek minute they were riding us like horses into battle!

by Gent Style November 21, 2019

Le Gentleman

A man who is obsessed with masculine fashion and very particular about clothing and accessories including a level of brand awareness traditionally associated with women.

Shopping at Daniel Cremieux allowed him to be a complete Le Gentleman

by Dave Nalle January 4, 2018