the hottest and sexiest and coolest person you will ever meet (like it’s almost unbelievable but it’s so true) @deadpoolsluvr
person 1: omg have you seen @cevansfacts favorite mutual?
person 2: yeah @deadpoolsluvr is so hot and funny and sexy and cool
Two ppl wanting to have sex
and date after
Bob: Wanna be my advance mutual?
an awesome bond shared between an awesome girl with the name Ellis(a big raging dykeasaurus), and a chinese transvestite, preferably named Dominic(an awesome kid who isn't where he belongs), of which both of them have equal input'
Look at those two over there, they must be experiencing Mutual Awesomeness.
The day you and your partner get on some porn of both of your choice and both get yourself off using your own hands for a wank or mouth
Mutual wank day. 7th February
Mutual wank day. 7th February
The phrase you hear from someone who was heartbroken and is in denial, if you ever hear this phrase from someone, hug them, they need it
“I wasn’t dumped, it was mutual”
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry”
guy 1: omg how did u know i was one of _diotards mutuals?
guy 2: you hav much swag.
The pinnacle of masculinity amd the sexiest mfs kn the planet
I wish I coukd be's mutuals but I can't lift 30,000 pounds