Source Code

Robbie the problem

To solve the hell out of a problem.

"Damnit. You guys broke the robot. I need to make the code idiot-proof. I'll just Robbie the problem."

by UWB November 17, 2008

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Margot Robbie

Hottest Woman on the Planet

Margot Robbie is the hottest woman alive

by Mrobbiefan69 September 22, 2017

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Robbie Stoner

A fatass boy who likes extremely ugly girls and is obesse and likes to say melk instead of milk. He is the type of person who will eat you!!! Be aware if you ever no a Robbie Stoner!! Who is also very very very very desprate. He may even date guys.... who knows

Dude robbie stoner just asked out 4 girls today!! wow what a fatass

by Sk8boarder21 June 6, 2009

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Robby Brown

The cutest kid you will ever meet

I absolutly love Robby Brown

by Robby Brown March 17, 2007

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Robbie Rotton

a dude from lazytown that was a meme throughout 2016. a good at first, but somehow got to the
N O R M I E S and fucked everything up. overuse of the meme in the end of 2016 and part of January 2017 has now made this meme dead as fuck. thanks N O R M I E S!!

"Robbie Rotton best meme ever!"
"Shut up faggot!"

by veinycockpopsicle February 14, 2017

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Margot Robbie

Because Margot Robbie doesn't fit the tine of the movie. That's why.

Hym "Because Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn is a campier version of the character that sayinf things like 'Splooge'. Why would she be in Folie ร  Deux?"

by Hym Iam March 31, 2023

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Big Robby

Big Robby is the biggest twat to ever walk the earth.
He is so morbidly obese that he requires six people to wash him and it has been theorised that there is a swamp-like ecosystem under his necrotic foreskin.
Big Robby is so obnoxious as to his own idiocy that he thinks he is somewhat intelligent, however, the truth is that his brain is scientifically shown to be closer to a Neggar than a human
Big Robby is incapable of articulating sentences that have over 2 words in them, and most of the time he pronounces things wrong such as permanent, which he pronounces as pernament.
Calling someone a Big Robby can also be insinuated as a term for down syndrome or stage 4 autism.

Look at Big Robby trying to speak, he can't even put together a sentence

Big Robby Used his overwhelming force to punish the down syndrome boy

by Doctor_Brown October 31, 2017

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