If someone is Charlie Sheening, he is always WINNING!! TO Charlie Sheen is very difficult as it requires Tiger Blood and saying it like it is i.e. I win here I win there I win everywhere.
At the last olympic games, Michael Phelps was really Charlie Sheening
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The act of laughing while drinking coke, resulting in shooting the coke out of your nose.
I was taking a drink of my coke when Sarah fell UP the stairs. That shit was so funny i Reverse Charley Sheened.
One bad ass mother fucker who fucks strippers 2 or more at a time. WINNING
Person 1: You know that kid G-off?
Person 2: Yeh
Person 1: He's a Party Ma-Sheen, all them bitches love him.
Person 2: Winning
Stupid, dull-witted. The complete absence of rational thought or any potential for rational thought. The lowest possible level on the intelligence scale. A fucktard.
Student: Professor, this formaldehyde soaked frog I'm dissecting is dumber than Charlie Sheen.
Professor: Son, the correct expression is 'Dumb as Charlie Sheen' . It's not possible to be dumber than Charlie Sheen.
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To party hardcore. Usually involves 20 year old pornstars and escorts, suitcases of cocaine and ending in police interference.
Craig: "so what are you doing this weekend guy?"
Bob: "Throwing a party. Gonna invite like 5 pornstars and get my boy to bring the suitcase full of coke"
Craig: "Damn son, you're really gonna Charlie Sheen-it up"
Bob "Word I am"
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The Charlie Sheen special is a minimum two-day bender of alcohol, multiple porn stars, other hookers, AND a briefcase full of cocaine.
I'm sorry I missed your Bar Mitzvah I was recovering from a Charlie Sheen special.
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Partying and being as wild as Charlie Sheen. Also having tiger blood.
Charlie Sheen Wild is when you're banging 7 gram rocks
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