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Urban Dictionary

a place where you look up the finest words and saying and the finest things come up to enjoy you :)

Xavier: man i love urban dictionary

by Xman_Slayer November 7, 2019

Urban Dictionary

What you are using right now

Why are you looking up the Urban Dictionary you are using it?

by I am a girl dont call me a boy November 2, 2021

Urban Dictionary

The shit site to find what's not true.

Mom: "I just found out that reading books cause cancer!"

Me: "What the fuck- where'd you get that from"

Mom: " I just found out this website called "Urban Dictionary" that tells you random shit! "

urban dictionary always tells me the 'right information' !

by SomeRand0m._kid0nTheInternet._ November 23, 2022

urban dictionary

where people come to say "anus" in every sentence

"hey dude lets look ANUS up on urban dictionary"

by minecraftkid1234 November 16, 2020

Urban Dictionary

A website with hilarious definitions that aren't even fully true

Omg the Urban Dictionary is sooo funny
Eww that definition is grooooooss

by Jaegabomb April 2, 2016

Urban Dictionary

A once interesting website turned hateful and stupid.

Idiot:Bi Sexual are nothing but, sad confused whore blah,blah,blah. Me: Who says? Idiot:Urban Dictionary

by uglyhater January 29, 2012

urban dictionary

How us old fogeys feel less old by understanding what these whippersnappers are saying.

"How the hell do I add my own definition for "urban dictionary"... Oh wow, that is shamefully obvious. Thank god there weren't any youths around to see that."

by twenty-three skedoo June 8, 2017