The most glorious computer scientist to ever walk this earth. A staple of comedic genius and wit. Has a sandwich named after him, but sadly cannot consume it due to an allergy. He has become the focus of a cult, whereby people confess his love for him and his use of syntactic sugar and making toast on the stovetop.
I just got out of Bill Bird's lecture; he's was the reason why I'm still in school
Bill loves pineapples
Batman birds is the alternative way to say "bats" If you forget it somehow
Guy 1: What was the word for those black animals in caves?
Guy 2: Batman Birds.
Guy 1: You mean bats?
Guy 2: Stfu.
When you or someone else is in a bit of a flap/anxious/flustered
Sorry about earlier, I was just a little flappy bird
When you are in a flap or anxious about something
Sorry about earlier I was just a little flappy bird
You know you have stuff coming up, whether that be important exams, a deadline due, your boss needs you to submit files to them, but you say "fuck it, imma just have a burger and a coke". This act is usually exercised with friends where you all collectively slack off and do anything that is remotely unproductive.
"Yeah, so the assignment was due at 5pm yesterday, but me and Rajdeep were just ended up big birding outside the coffee shop for a few hours"
Bird Runners is a fun game made by “DoodlebirdVR” and the “Doodle Studios” team. In the game Bird Runners, you can become a bird and fly around with other while playing mini games such as, Floor is lava, and more to come soon!
Bird Runners needs money
Go check it out!
Bird Runners is amazing!
Bird Runners!
Oh my god!!! Is that doodle!!
The best mush bird in Portsmouth.
Have you seen that immy girl she’s Portsmouth’s biggest mush bird