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Lagoon City, Ontario

A magical place known as Little Venice, hidden from most people in Ontario. Only boating and fishing gods are allowed to reside there. The goddess Lake Simcoe protects this sacred place and only the most worthy will be allowed to locate this hidden land.

Lagoon City, Ontario is a hidden, magical place.

by Lake Simcoe Goddess March 19, 2023

A city girl tan

When your shoulders are tan but your arms are pale. From sleaved shirts with the holes on the shoulders. Also by sort sleaved shirts and arm sleeves.

I got a city girl tan while on vacation.

by MaxKat August 1, 2023

City hall bitch

A person who isn't worth marrying anywhere other than city hall

Oh my ex wife? She was a city hall bitch

by Ralphwiggum94 January 1, 2022

Whiskey City Tattoo

The best place you can go after a scratcher decides to scribble on your flesh leaving you with the worst looking tattoo that god has ever witnessed in all of his creations .

What a night Yo !!! I went to my homies tattoo release party at the motel he needed to make some fast cash so I went to support his new career I gave him $20 bucks cuz he just got out of prison and been slanging ink up state for like 9 months now I'm headed to Whiskey City Tattoo to see the cover up king man he F Me Up ..

by Whiskey City Tattoo Co. June 15, 2017

Westminster City School

some dead school, teachers are nonces and racists, you have the crackhead himself mr alcock, the karen ms lockyer and the nonceist of all mr broughton.

yuck, this place is like westminster city school

by wcsbait October 20, 2020

Capital City Hoe

A Capital City Girl is a girl who thinks their on piss but they ain't. They suck dick for a living and are beat and deletes. The majority of the girls are pretty respect themselves and the others give Out blowjobs but don't know their ABC's. The girls call each other friends but they all talk about each other. They all love to take each others man but called themselves bestfriends.

A Capital City Boy is a man hoe who can't keep his willy in his pants they love playing wid girls emotions but cry wen a girl plays wid their feelings. They have no drip. They beg for attention from girls eventhough they're so ugly. They Claim they get girls but they really don't. The yr10 and yr11's are sexyy but the yr9's are dun out.

Her:"wat skl does she go"
Him:"capital city"
Her:"mind cuz she might be a Capital City Hoe"

by DontWorryBoutItSweeheart April 28, 2020

City boy blumpkin

Caelin Wingit

My friend Caelin is a city boy blumpkin

by Sk3lt0r141 October 1, 2021