Jake is a fortnite kid that simps for 38832993 girls a day and thats it no really thats it JAKE DOSENT GET CAKE
The type of guy you think is sweet and caring but turns out to be manipulative. He will one hundred percent drop you as soon as something better comes along and will probably rub it in your face. Jake has a lot of friends that are girls and will try to have sex with all of them. Takes rejection very poorly and is easily offended. Egotistical and loves talking about himself.
Rebecca: “This guy told me that I was a four out of ten and then asked if I wanted to have sex with him!”
Jessica: “He sounds like a total Jake! You should definitely ghost him before he has a chance to drop you.”
Jake is Bright lad with high intelligence but most of all a loyal guy who will do anything for a mate or a lass, He knows what’s what when it comes to fashion and clothing because he will be wearing it and it will noticable from a mile away.If you have a Jake in your life wouldn’t let it him go to waste because you're extremely lucky.
Looka Jake, he a reet snake like
Jakes are the nicest people you'll ever meet. seems to never have any drama with any and has an amazing smile. he has an amazing personality and enjoys playing sports. truly a nice kid that does not get involved in beef and is a very peaceful person to be around.
Person 1) I got issues with half the people i run into Im glad i meet up with Jake even with all this drama I never felt so at peace when am with Jake .
Person 2) yea his just as relaxing as the ocean
A slang term from Cleveland basically referring to someone for something as corny.
"Man that shits Jake"
"You a Jake ahh mfk"