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Tinton Falls Middle School

some bum ass school made up of caucasians trying to be black and 2 black people who gave nobody the n-word pass. all girls wear 15 layers of mascara and only hollister jeans. who ever put that there are no 'e-children' - get a life u bum 8th grader.

What school do you go to?
Tinton Falls Middle School
Oh... so you're delusional..

by crustyho3 April 17, 2019

belmont ridge middle school

Bunch of rich white people. Don’t go if ur insecure all the girls with their “perfect” bodies and perfect lives will overrun u

“Yo u going to Belmont ridge middle school
“Hell nah I not bouta go with those rich ass white kids”

by fuckyouyadumbwhore May 31, 2019

Sleeping Giant Middle School

Shit hole of a school where people only care about who they are dating or popularity. The boys there are all basic and same with the girls. You cant forget that bitch that crys when she is told to write her name.

Oh you go to Sleeping Giant Middle School? I'm sorry.

by beck_louis_bitches September 7, 2021

beverly hills middle school

ugly rats,, fake ppl . poopoo peepee. f mr karney

beverly hills middle school eishrmkqidbf

by billy bobs butt sack October 17, 2019

South Hardin Middle School

(SHMS) is a middle school of mostly popular people and 6th graders that are snobs. The 8th graders came up with a rule called 8th grade priority and most of the people there suck. This school is in IA

Another way to use that term is to call someone a snob or princess

Omg, you act like you go to South Hardin Middle School.
You must've came from SMHS

by )0( WinRus )0( May 30, 2019

big virtual middle finger

To insult someone directly or indirectly through use of an electronic device, such as on the internet, on a (game) server, or simply on your own computer, usually meant to be done after the target of the BVMF has done something rude or insulting to you first, but may also be done just for shits and giggles.

My friend Steven refused to play Counter-strike with me, so I changed my Steam name to "Fuck You Steven" while on a server so everyone can see the big virtual middle finger I just gave him.

My friend Steven refused to show me how to code, so I bought a website domain and had it just say "Fuck you, Steven." so I can give him the big virtual middle finger any time I want.

My friend Steven always goes on my computer and goes to pornhub immediately, so I made my default browser page be the website from before so he gets the big virtual middle finger every time before he masturbates at my house.

Fuck you, Steven.

by Dreamare June 12, 2015

thomas jefferson middle school

a school located in edison new jersey where no one knows how to act. they’re all fake white basic bitchass locals that don’t get the jokes the normal kids tell. the white girls all have ‘depression and anxiety’ and talk about it constantly. they’re all just so fucking annoying, they don’t know how to be humans and it shows.

imagine actually liking thomas jefferson middle school , can’t relate.

by dumbasses smd April 25, 2019