two pieces of bread with sliced meat* and other toppings
*does not include hamburgers or hotdogs
a ham and cheese is a sandwich, but a hotdog or hamburger definitely isn't
A disclaimer to a very bad story .
Person 1: Tell me the story!
Person 2: Alright, but its very sandwich!
Sticking your cock between a pair of ass cheeks. The cheeks being the buns and your dick being the meat.
Yeah I just sandwiched my girlfriend last night
A sandwich is something in your butthole that you need to shove your longest finger to reach.
Me"That sandwich is annoying"
Other"shove your longest finger up there"
another word for napkin.
"Hey, does anyone have a sandwich?"
Bread + Bread + some random sh!t
I made a sandwich with bread, bread and tuna!
In miffy terms, a sandwich is that in which two people say the same thing at the same tine. kind of like a jinx, but theres more to this. You are one slice of bread, the other person is the other slice of bread. This filling? *chuckles* well that sweetie is the statement in which u both said at the same time.
Sandwich can be spelt in many different ways! E.g san eich, san wich, sandeidb, sandeichs etc
Person 1 : omg guys shut up!
Person 2: zeukri is here
Person 1: zeukri is here.
Person 2: sandeichs?
Person 1: yes this is a sandwich!