An action, statement or item that is wildly outdated or passé.
Your tribal arm band tattoo is so al-Qaeda.
Sarah Palin? She's so al-Qaeda!
1👍 1👎
yk so basically you use the term so basically in the term
"so basically"
"oh word?"
The start of an extremely long and complex story.
Person 1: What did you say happen last night?
Person 2: So basically, at 2 am we decided to hook up with someone who turned out to be...
Hym "Why am I so angry? Because for the first 12 years I was depressed and suicidal and now that I can be certain that it wasn't a manifestation of my own mind and that this is something that was DONE TO ME I have ever right to be angry! You will accept the consequences of your collective transgressions against me or I WILL IMPOSE THEM! WHAT I DO TO YOUR KIDS IS GOING TO MAKE YOU LOVE MISOGYNY, ANTI-SEMITISM, RACISM, AND HOMOPHOBIA BY COMPARISON YOU RETARDED VERMIN!"
Cool, awesome, good, trendy. The new fetch
Used by MannyMUA in almost all of his videos.
Jeffree: Have you look to this meme? It makes me laugh everytime I see it.
Manny: Yeah, it's SO PIGMENTED