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so you wanna be a player but your wheels ain't fly

Opening lyrics from the theme song of the widely recognised TV show "Pimp My Ride".

Wheelz: I need more pussy.
Papa Franku: We gotta pimp your wheelchair.
(music plays)
DJ Zinc: So you wanna be a player but your wheels ain't fly...

by xXx_Pu$$ySl4sher_CuntD4nku_xXx April 18, 2017

three flys up

Sexual act performed with a male masturbating in a chair with his back to three women. Upon ejaculating, he shoots his load over his shoulder and the three women waiting compete to see who can catch his load in their mouth. First to women to catch 3 wins.

see also: white magician, sacrifice fly

"Playing three flys up with your mouth is hard, we should be allowed to use baseball gloves"

by therube February 24, 2010

Fly Hawk

The act of smoking weed. Good way to talk about pot discreetly.

"Hey man lets go fly hawk!"

"The hawk flew last weekend."

by JimCrow209 February 15, 2012

low flying military aircraft

When you swoop in dive tackle yo mate to the ground with the precision of a mk2 fighter jet

Jimbo: Oi daniel lmfao my bae just got floored by a low flying military aircraft
Daniel : Yes g

by j.hamós April 4, 2018

Flying Swede

The term “Swede” is used as a slang term for the escalation from verbal disagreement to physical violence by way of a powerful headbutt often to the face. The term “Flying Swede” is used to indicate when said headbutt is done by way of a headfirst running leap and contact is made with both feet of the ground, not dissimilar to a “dropkick” in style.

I willSwede” you!” or “Wow did you see the “Flying Swede” he just landed ?”

by Rylo90 April 12, 2024

Flying delta

When you have uncontrollable diarrhea and you cannot make it to the bathroom in time.

In 2023, a passenger on a delta flight had diarrhea in the isle during the flight. The mess was so bad that the plane had to return to its origin.

I ate the warm potato salad and I ended up flying delta for a week.

by Jonathan O'Dell September 12, 2023

Fly Spray

When you brew with other more lazy less desirables that are so disgusting you have to gather the muck into a muck trap. Leave muck trap to rot so it’s a gathering of the fucking jugallos (flies). Then unexpectedly flood the muck with enough chemical to turn it into Jonestown.

I fly sprayed out at the brewery. Hopefully it will be better tonight. I was getting eaten alive there yesterday.

by Br3w3r August 25, 2021