Being pretty enough to get through life unburdened by the weight of real empathy and sympathy. Also, having other people do for you what you would normally have to be responsible for.
Party Girl Parker Posey has Pretty Person's Disease but learns Dewey Decimal
A dude, who is a person who is guy, who is a man, who is a mister who likes to upload videos about the jinkis binkus flood
Guy2 :Woah its mr dude person
Guy 56: hes probably here to us about the jinkus crinkis flood
you . “you” is the most popular word because it always rounds back to the person reading this .
friend 1 “i wonder who’s the most popular person!!”
friend 2 “you are! duhhhhh!”
Tends to be grouchy.
Lori is not a morning person, call back after noon.
Any person reigning from Asia. specifically those of chinese decent. And Japanese.
"Holy Scott! Look at that Space Person over there!"
"Aw cute! That Space Person is trying to buy a hooker!"
Every year, on October 21st, you are granted 5 free passes to throw a person that is 5'8" and under.
Joe- "hey, It's October 21st, sorry Zach, but it's National Throw a Short Person day, and your too short, I have to throw you.
Zach- "Fuck you Joe" - gets yeeted off the loading dock
On November 9th, you can throw a short person.
Hey, it’s throw a short person day! C‘Mere!