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Chief's white root cream

The magic potion that will cure any ailment

Person 1) "My pussy hurts today"

Person 2) "maybe you need a little Chief's white root cream for that"

by Chief of Geist July 23, 2023

Cream Reaper

When a person is chocking on food, you go up behind them and bang them really quick before they die. If you happen to dislodge the food from your thrusting, it’s called a HBR (Hot Beef Rejection).

My date started choking on some candy I gave her, so I gave her a cream reaper instead. Thankfully it resulted in a HBR.

by N8-2d2 January 27, 2024

Televisual face creaming

Televisulal face creaming is where a guy dyes his testicles multi-colors, then jizzes in his sexual partner's eyes, so that from his partner's perspective, it looks as if a television is malfunctioning in their eyes, as there are colors such as red and green floating about in her eyes, and it also stings like fuck, which simulates electric shock to the eyes.

Guy A: Ayyyyy Mark, did you do televisual face creaming on your gf last night?
Guy B: Nope, she told me she was moving to Mexico
Guy A: Fuck
*hot gay face creaming sex*

by WhoWantsToSniffWoodShillings December 7, 2020

Danger Cream

Ice cream sold by strange men in the back of a van.

Emily couldn't resist the Danger Cream.

by Danger Cream Expert February 27, 2024

Danger Cream

Delicious forbidden ice-cream sold by strange men in the back of white vans possibly made with elicit substances.

Bro: "Got an ice-cream the other day, sold by a man in a white van, it was delicious."
Me: "Ahhh yes, one of those Danger Creams, can't trust all those vans you know, never know what its made out of"

by Danger Cream Expert March 15, 2024

nutty buddy cream pie

When two guys ejaculate in the same vagina

Tim n Jerry did the nutty buddy cream pie to that women

by Killingfetus January 25, 2025

TJ Cream

A powerful, rich French

Hey Julien, you are TJ Cream!

by ToasterTom March 10, 2024