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Lychee Dragon Cookie


One of the playable legendary antagonists from the mobile video game Cookie Run: OvenBreak. They are one of the 5 dragons in the game and are also known as the Scarlet Dragon. They have the ability to make others fall in love with them so they can make them do their bidding, and can also summon vicious monsters.

They also have the ability to transform into a different Cookie: Mangosteen Cookie, who was loved by everyone in a tribe called the Rambutan Tribe, until they finally admitted to being Lychee Dragon Cookie, and was behind the random monsters that attacked the tribe, and the capturing of random members of the Rambutan Tribe, making them work for them.

It seems that the only cookie who truly cared for Mangosteen/Lychee Dragon Cookie without them having to do their magic was Rambutan Cookie, who was saddened when they found out the truth about Mangosteen Cookie. And it seems that they still care about them as in the Age of Dragons story, after Lychee Dragon Cookie battled Gingerbrave and his allies, Pitaya Dragon Cookie, Ananas Dragon Cookie, and Lotus Dragon Cookie, they offered to bring medicine tend to their injuries, causing them to call Rambutan Cookie weird.

Person 1: Do you know who Lychee Dragon Cookie is?
Person 2: Yeah, they're my favorite legendary in Cookie Run Ovenbreak

by ArtisticWolfii March 5, 2023

Blind Dragon

Right after cumming in her eyes, wait till she stands up, and immediately kick one of her ankles so she stands on one foot, then after she will look like a blind dragon

Bro, I thought your mom was into kinky shit, so I tried the Blind Dragon on her...

She loved it!

by RebornLegendz714 December 13, 2018

Cougar & Dragon

Two bad ass boatloads of the most awesome mini season lobster catchers of all time in the FL Keys. Actually, the entire universe.

Googan 1: Hey bro, what’s the deal with those two boats anchoring over there with everybody splashing in?

Googan 2: Dude, we’re screwed. That’s Cougar & Dragon. All the lobsters will be gone in 45 minutes.

Googan 3: Hey bro, why are those two boats headed home at 9:05 AM.

Googan 4: Dude, that’s Cougar & Dragon. They probably already limited out and will be playing a Queen song in 20 minutes.

by Shredder P July 30, 2022

touching the dragons asshole

to annoy the hell out if someone who is a lot stronger than you.

that drunk guy was totally touching the dragons asshole when he kept asking you questions about your ex, i'm surprised you didn't beat him up tbh.

by statiq69 May 19, 2022

Dragon fly

When a guy is slingshotted at precisely 88km per hour he will ejected his load on him self and hit the ground making the shape of a dragon fly

The other day there boys u had a wee dragon fly hey boys wanna go dragon fly this weekend

by Sherkster July 7, 2020

Dragon fly

Moriah Elizabeth’s Half dragon half butterfly squishy

My Dragon fly defended my territory.

by Lexi_yasssss September 26, 2020

Reverse Dragon

When you eat something spicy and it comes out spicy and like fire on the other end.

After eating spicy tocos I have reverse dragon

by Breezybrie77 March 17, 2023