Source Code

Sybil War

What Basil Fawlty fights each and every day.

Most battles aren't the least bit humorous, but the Sybil War is an exception.

by QuacksO September 5, 2019

God of war ragnarok

God Of War Ragnarok is a game, a game that gamed like no other game before.

Bro1:Hey bro wanna play God of war ragnarok

Bro2:smooch me right now


by Boylikefringpan143 April 22, 2024

Hypocrisy of the Liberal War Machine

When 1 roommate plays 1968 by the turnpike troubadours literally hundreds of times on the guitar in the living room until it's stuck in the other roommate's head and then the second roommate sings the song in his room while the first roommate, who is working in the living room, shushes him.

Lloyd: "it's been a long time coming good to see you my old friend"
Felix, Command in Chief of the Liberal War Machine: "Dude....::implicit Hypocrisy of the Liberal War Machine::"

by levered_lloyd April 22, 2021

Backdoor Tug O War

When you and another guy are pounding a chick in the ass and vagina. And it's like a reverse Tug O War where both men push inside the girl trying to force the other one out with their penis while still inside her ass and pussy.

This hot bitch had two guys in her and they were having a "Backdoor Tug O War"

by Mulletman350 February 17, 2014

Justice League: War

So, I'm watching this clip, right?

Hym "From Justice League: War. The one where Vandal Savage uses Batman's contingencies against the Justice League, right? And it's the part where the Flash gets a bomb bolted to his wrist, right? So Batman sends him to an iceberg so he can phase through it and shake the bomb off, right? But when the bomb explodes, ice shrapnel hits Barry and cuts his clothes and I'm like... How? How does that explosion propel ice... FASTER THAN THE FLASH in a full sprint? I mean, he's running in the same direction as the shrapnel so it was moving literally fast enough to catch the flash with a head start, cut his arm, and the shockwave sent him reeling. It shouldn't be possible. Especially with him running fast enough to run on water! Even then he could have just continued to phase until the explosion when off. Doesn't make sense. There you have anime logic at it's finest. Go watch that show if you haven't seen it. Especially Jennifer Lawrence. You definitely need to see it Jenny as you have no culture. Now go forth. I command it."

by Hym Iam July 20, 2024

war runner

A person who can run fast in any condition like hot, desert, cold, snow, wet, dry, or the woods or grassland

Dude how do you run in this harsh condition?

I’m a war runner

by Soviet Ronaldo December 14, 2017

Men of War: Assault Squad 2

RTS game centered around the second world war

Developed by Digitalmindsoft

published by 1C Company

Choose from 5 nations to play as,which include:
Nazi Germany (3rd reich/Germany,Kraut - American soldiers)
Imperial Japan (japan)
United States of America (US/USA)
United Kingdom (UK/Commonwealth,Yankee's/Tommies - by germans)

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR,Commies,Soviets)

1 dlc faction:
Ostfront Veteranen

Basically Germany but different lineup,only usable in multiplayer or against bots and by bots

And 4 DLC's
Iron Fist: 3rd person tank mission for all 5 nations

Airborne: access to multiplayer bots you can add ranging from easy,normal,hard and heroic
1 singleplayer skirmish for each nation

Ostfront veteranen: adds 10 new vechicles and the "Ostfront Veteranen" faction

Men Of War Origins: adds the original Men Of War game but with upgraded graphics

Deluxe edition: Tiny ribbon for multiplayer (or solo matches if you are a loner) matches,slight xp boost to unlock units faster,five star general achievment and a new shiny hud

Jim: did you hear about the game Men of War: Assault Squad 2?
Bob: yeah,i really like the German Campaign
Jim: i enjoy the American Campaign

by MrManIsReal November 4, 2023