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Facebook Bitching Tourettes

Where a person randomly exclaims (normally in capitals) something bitchy about a person or a group of people on their social network status and then wont tell commenters anymore because that would give away the people that they were bitching about and why the were bitching about them in the first place.

Eventually ending up in the person sending a private message to the commenter.

Commenter: Huh?
Person: i cant explain
Person: Check you inbox

* Facebook Bitching Tourettes *. FBT FOR SHORT

by jackjack1234 October 9, 2010

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Facebook Boob-job

The act of taking a profile picture from an angle which gives the illusion of larger breasteses. Also, angling the picture in such a way that it hides the beer belly beneath the boobs.

It was false assvertising! She seemed hot in her profile pic, but it was a Facebook boob-job!

by TomtheTourGuide January 26, 2011

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Facebook-hot is a term used when describing someone who only appears to be attractive on their facebook pictures, but in real life is non attractive.

Steve: I went on a date with Cara last night.
Ron: Cara? Her pro pic is so hot. You're lucky.
Steve: No, actually it turns out that she's only facebook-hot.

by Bub for Bubs August 30, 2011

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Facebook told me

When one is informed of events via Facebook before being infomed by another.

James: Did you hear about Mike and Susan breaking up?
Kerry: Yeah, Facebook told me

by BlindRascal October 2, 2010

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FaceBook Non-trad

Just like the non-traditional students you had in your college classes, these baby boomer facebookers are usually female and feel the need to comment on EVERYTHING that ANY of their friends post on facebook.
These people obviously need to get a life. They have way to much time on their hands.
(These women are also usually oblivious to their own kids drunken escapades all over the FB world.)

Ted: I had to unfriend that beeyotch.
Brad: Why?
Ted: She was such a FaceBook Non-Trad...always commenting on stupid crap and filling up my news feed.

by williet1990 August 24, 2009

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Too cool for facebook

Someone who feels they are above everyone for not joining facebook or someone who is afraid their drunken debauchery will be caught by a college and ruin their life. Can also be used to describe that one friend who hasn't updated their facebook status in over a month to give the appearance of being "oh so busy and popular" despite facebook stalking random girls he requested daily.

Nick: hey broski get a facebook so you can see all the chicks commenting on how hot you were in the football game
Myer: my ego won't let me get a facebook, its telling me I'm way too cool for it
Nick: cool. *he's too cool for facebook I wish my ego was that big*

by CTU_FieldAgent200 June 22, 2010

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facebook rampage

when someone pisses u off so much on facebook you end up ethier clicking really hard or hitting the computer

hey why was jakes computer in his trash

he went on a facebook rampage cos that bitch rachel screwed him over

by the king of kings 69 August 4, 2010

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