it is a French Canadian from Quebec inspired by Gaston le hon hon
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When one guy sticks his dong in another guys ass, and they try to shit out the cock. The “defender” wins by shitting out the cock, the “attacker”wins by pushing the shit into the defenders stomach.
Jake played gay Push with Tony to enhance their relationship
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a group or gathering of three or more gay men, especially twinks
Check out that giggle of gays across the street. The one in front is cute.
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An ancient British aristocratic family now found frequenting East Coast squash tournaments, psychoanalytic symposiums and scotch tastings.
Ohh I do love spending a good weekend in my Nantucket Reds with the Polonial-Gays.
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A random impulse to act as gay as possible combined with excessively confident and powerful emotions
yass queen, let’s stab a bitch then come out to my family and the entire school! i’m feeling so much gay confidence right now?!
No Ramon isnt gay at all hes straighter the pole that holds up the fucking flag of the United States.
For every gay thing you experience you gain another Y. The gay elders that created this system are known to have over 1000+ Y’s. No one knows who they are, but some think Ruby Rose is a suspect.
The young gay: I just gained my 4th Y last week
The big gay: that’s nothing compared to me, I gained my 50th yesterday
Average gay: don’t you think these Y’s are just some pointless competition that is destructive to the LGBT+ community?
The gay elder: the Gay Y is the foundation of the gay playing field