Parent's half-sibling's child.
My half-cousin is a good person.
1- Half-pibling's child.
2- Living being that has zero parents and one grandparent in common with another living being.
1- Half-pibling's child / Parent's half-nibling.
2- Person who, in relation to the other person, has zero parents and one grandparent in common.
3- Half-first-cousin.
4- Half-1C.
My half-cousin is a good person.
A person who thinks that emptiness in a cup can be halved.
Girl 1: Look at that hottie!
Girl 2: Hell no!
Girl 3: Why?
Girl 1: Yeah, why? *bleep*.
Girl 2: I'm pretty sure they're that cup half empty guy.
Something that is really bad but possibly fixable.
The tv series has really become half a shit sandwich but it can easily be saved by adding a younger actor in the cast.
A Person who likes to be around you, and talk to you, displaying interest in you but not truly stalking you. This is often mistakening for actual stalking by ignorant people, and to a certain degree is socially acceptable. It is the act of pursuing someone in an atempt to befriend them, date them, or create a buisness relationship with them. Half-Stalking is a habit that a person can grow out off, and change. Half-Stalking is restricted to a specific location, such as A REC center, work, or school.
In High School
Person A: Ugh, that guy is such a stalker. He's always following me, and saying hi to me, when he sees me in the hallways.
Person B: Um, that nots stalking... its Half Stalking. He only talks to you at school. Maybe there just trying to get to know you. I think he likes you! It's not like he sends creepy phone calls or follows you home.
Person A: I never thought about that. For better or worse, He is kinda interesting...
When a person of darker persuasion either bangs or pegs another person of lighter persuasion whilst the person being banged or pegged is also sucking off someone that is garbed in banana attire. Something of a Creole&Caribbean meets North American Mayo situation.
I once tried a half oreo banana. Wasn't half bad.
-Doug Wilson in "WEEDS"