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west ashley middle school

Where we got so much fake people. Only about 1/5 of the school real. Probably less than that. But we got the most entertaining fights to watch 💪🏾

Holy shit, did you see that fight at West Ashley Middle School?? That nigga got dropped.

by Real WAMS student February 15, 2018

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North Branch Middle School

North Branch Middle is filled with fake ass hoes, cunts, jerks, annoying nerds, and some more. They give you to much work and tells us to turn it in the next day like tf? Also don’t get me started with the food , it’s so gross i can’t even. But tell me why tf are the stupid lil 6th and 5th graders a middle schooler, that isn’t right they should be in elementary like go home. But over all the school isn’t that bad but it isn’t good, they need to step up a level and get it together.

“Wanna buy a tv for your boyfriend Ally?” “no you must go to north branch middle school

by Bitch don’t bother me February 27, 2019

4👍 1👎

O.W Best Middle School

The most problematic middle school to ever exist. Everyone talks shit about you behind your back but never say it to your face. Bitches get jealous easily over pretty girls. Hella ugly boys/girls. Very hard to find someone thats unproblematic and pretty.

Ay, what school you go to?”
“O.W Best Middle School”
You dirty asf for going there…”

by broken table October 15, 2021

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Indian River Middle School

Piece of shit; fake people

Indian River Middle School is, filled with fake ass people and it’s a hell hole that know one should go to.

by Sarah Combs February 14, 2020

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mountain valley middle school

kids that have perms and edges think they’re on "gang shii" and girls try to be funny and say skskskks and anna oop way too fucking much

I’ve heard mountain valley middle school sucks right?

by that kid that knows stuff... August 29, 2019

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West Geauga Middle School

Essentially a meth-house in the form of a school filled with a ton of crackhead lame asses. They exceed in Nigerian Hurricanes and about nothing else

Sane person: man I’m bored

Suicidal kid: we should go to West Geauga Middle School
Sane person: no I don’t wanna get fuckin shot

by Bruhuhh January 1, 2020

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Carl Sandburg Middle School

Located in Mundelein, Illinois, this school is a hotspot for Drugs, Teenage pregnancies, Mexicans and sluts. Lots and lots of sluts. Sadly, only one of those four is a good thing. Be warned, any and all students may want to kill themselves, since classes are trash and the students trashier.

Bob: Don't you go to that trashy shitshow of a school, Bob 2?

Bob 2: Yeah i do, Bob.

Bob: What's it called again? Retard land? Hell? Mexico?

Bob 2: No, it's called Carl Sandburg Middle School

by Pineapple Dildo September 29, 2018

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