A website where even the most fire definitions get more dislikes than likes.
“Search it up on Urban Dictionary”
“Thanks man, Gonna try it out.”
10 seconds later
“What the hell”
You’re searching Urban Dictionary- on Urban Dictionary. What kind of uncultured swine are you? You were probably looking up sex stories and your parents walked in, oops! You’re ridiculous to look up this. Go away.
Once upon a time a place where squares like me could catch up on lingo without having to look stupid by asking everyone what they were talking about. Now a place where people compete to display the most purile garbage they can while attempting to keep it legitimate-seeming.
Me 2010: Ah, I wonder why "Wally" means idiot in Cockney. I'll look it up on Urban Dictionary.
Shar-nay 2023: Hey, I thought of a word for when you wipe your ass and accidentally poke some poo inside your pussy! I'll post it on Urban Dictionary as a service to society.
The fanciest word niggas like me know
Me: I'm gonna look this up on urban dictionary
Jerome: woah he smart
a website you are currently using :)
what did you think you were going to find when you searched up definitions for urban dictionary on urban dictionary?
A stupid website which will accept practically anyword
I bet Urban Dictionary will define my definition with an easy pass.
Only the BEST online dictionary for funny things
Greg: Hey Joe, you heard of this thing called Urban Dictionary
Joe: Bruh we aren’t real, we are being typed on Urban Dictionary