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In Memphis, a term for someone easily played.

Someone who thinks they’ll be chosen or special, ie a duck in duck duck goose.

Loosely related to the phrase a sitting duck, where you’re easily preyed upon.

Mane put your money away, don’t be a duck!

Nah, I’m not that into her. she a duck.

by BOO36 January 5, 2023


A stunning animal. The purest and most incredible animal every to visit our planet. The opposite of a goose.

Person 1: Looks like this is it. My life has deteriorated to nothing. I cant go on
Duck: quack
Person 1: You know what, youre right. Time to turn my life around. I love you Duck.

by DeletedUserAcc1728873 February 5, 2021



"I see a duck!"
"I see a Lucas!"

by Dankus_Memeus666 October 29, 2019


A spirit animal normally given to woman who are qwhack as fuck.

Your a duck.

by Stphnchjnck August 7, 2021


Holly molly barnie wheres the lamb sauce
Climbing Change is a duck

We are all ducks

Stop eating the spinach tress and start learning to eat fewer people

Look at this DUCK be like


by Duckondeeznuts February 6, 2022


A word commonly used to describe a fart, coming from the duck-like sound of gas being released from the anus. A ducks potent scent can on occasion leave one flabbergasted and bewildered.

Sarah just threw a duck.
My ex husband kept ducking, so I left him.

Your ducks are especially smelly today, it is fabulous.
Was that a wet duck?

by Wobber Cat January 17, 2017


Simply the most amazing animal that ever walked the face of this planet don’t ever feed them rice though or else there stomachs may explode

Your as funny as a duck

Your as cute as a bunch of ducklings

by Duck lover 123 November 2, 2017