Tight pants worn by babies & toddlers that make their legs look like sausages.
Can also apply to adults.
Mother: Look how cute baby Vincent is with his chubby little legs.
Father: Those pants make his legs look like sausages. He's wearing sausage pants!
National Pants yourself day is on Nov.8. While around a big crowd pants yourself to show you are confident about your body !!
Did you see hector yesterday during National Pants Yourself Day He must have a big cock if he’s so confident
A pair of pants of any style: Jeans, Casual, Dress, Etc... that a person buys when they expect to lose weight. Often these pants are found, squeezed into, and purchased with the intention of losing ten pounds so that they can be comfortably worn. Often these pants are found hanging in closets for years before being scornfully donated or just thrown away in disgust.
I grabbed a pair of 36/30 ten pound pants. I'm gonna lose the weight, I swear. When I lose ten pounds I should be able to rock these.
Those crusty and smelly pair of sweatpants you always wear while playing video games.
Cheeto dust, coke stains and unidentified crusties—guess it's time to change my game pants.
number 17 in the list of funny words. used to break awkward silences.
*awkward silence*
person a: Fandangle pants!
The act of getting sexually aroused by rolling around heaping piles of powderd milk while wearing leggings and bunny ears.
Dusty loves her job and always leaves satisfied when she rocks her powder puff pants.
Something so outta pocket you could pull your sock up through your pant leg
Friend 1: thaw reason she’s such a bitch is because she hasn’t had dick in a while
Friend 2: thats soo sock through the pant leg
Friend 3: preesh