A potato is someone with Down syndrome, it is the equivalent of calling them a mongoloid or a black man a nigger.
Jim: What do you call a person that has Down syndrome and smokes weed?
Catherine: I don't know, what?
Jim: A baked potato.
A poorly made MUGEN fighter typically characterized by its low damage output, poor AI, and inability to use its moves (or if they use them, they tend to use the wrong ones). In the rare event it does use a super move, it is either just as weak as their regular attacks or does absurdly high damage without any explanation. May also be poorly animated, use badly ripped sprites, and/or have ugly colors.
Viewer: These potatoes are boring. They're just weakly punching each other and jumping around like idiots.
Poorly Made Vegeta #123456789: FINAL FLASH
A multi-purpose word that can describe a (1) someones behaviour or (2) a person.
(1) can range from making a simple mistake or having a little brain fart, to doing completely stupid shit that makes you wonder what their actual IQ is.
(2) Used to describe someone who has shown potato behaviour.
Can also be prefixed with “Hard” to describe someone who you think is an absolute moron, idiot, a waste of space, a proper dick or total oxygen thief.
“I had a potato moment, I selected the wrong order!”
“Mustafa potatoed on that feature and got the colours mixed up”
“Brah, you’re being a potato, that’s not the logic we come up with”
“That guy is a Hard Potato! He always has long, loud conversations in the open plan office!”
A delicious food and a humorous insult torward yourself.
Person 1: I love Potatoes
Person 2: Thats good bc i am one!