he is a cunt but he's hot so its okay and he's got a big dick
Stylish Polo or button up shirt
"Yo man, that's a hard looking pull!"
"That is a good looking hard pull!"
Someone who is investing all of their strength into any action no matter the consequences. Comes from "Going Hard"
This person would often go above and beyond to accomplish a task that wouldn't normally be worth the time or effort they are exerting.
Can be used to describe a try-hard or sweat.
"I spent 7 hours designing the outfit for my D&D character"
"You're being a hard, don't you have an essay due?"
"I was grinding last night on your and my account so we can get to the lvl 50 dungeon"
"You would be a hard you sweat"
No matter what he does, he just fucks everything up if he is around you. Keeps acting like a fuckwit near you when you are trying to get into the pants of some girl, spoiling the hunting for the night. Typically needs you to pull him out of a situation he created, where he was about to get the fuck punched out of him by those blokes at the pool table after he stood near them telling them how to play.
Mick thought he was on a winner for a fuck in the car park outside with Jacinta, when Deano rocked up and spilled his beer in her handbag, making her lose her shit so much she got her fat friend and left the club. Mick wanted to flog Deano, but then saw him trying to dry hump some bloke at the pool table, which was gunna turn fatal for Deano any second now. So Mick dragged his stupid cunt mate away from danger and said "mate, stop being such a hard core loser or you can fuckin walk back to Frankston".
thing to say when someone bitches about a biology joke
z3ma b9a lih i3raf ghi les gènes dialo, it's a joke not a dick don't take it too hard
When Sir. John A. MacDonald has a secret man love for the rebellious half breed, Louis Riel.
Cazz has a Soviet hard on for history
Science fiction rooted in the current understanding of science in general. “Hard Scifi” doesn’t include concepts that break our understanding of physics such as FTL travel, or synthetic gravity.
The Martian, Red Mars, and Children of Time are examples of hard scifi stories.