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Prison term that describes an inmate that concerns themself with things that are out of their control; making their prison sentence alot harder than it is

Chris: Mike is always worried about shit that he can't control.

Alex: Yea, Mike is always "hard-timing."

by Pharmacyboy101 December 15, 2023

hard expounded

To do it hard the right way.

OOoo I hard expounded her good.

by upincider321 January 21, 2011

net hard

when some on is on the internet talking junk only because they are not face to face with you, miles and miles away!

"Oh I'm a ni99er! O..OK you are really net hard on Halo right now"

"Why these people on Facebook so net hard, I bet they wouldn't say that to my face!"

by mrsvee November 16, 2011

Hard boiled egg

An egg (trans person who doesn’t realise they are trans) who has been an egg for a longer than usual amount of time. Having one’s egg crack after their 40s is a usual qualifier, though this definition is somewhat subjective.

Bob: Alice is 70 and just realised she was trans after showing those signs for as long as I remember.
Claire: The life of a hard boiled egg, am I right?

by E hates Q July 18, 2023

Hard Boiled Eggs

When someone gargles liquid in their mouth while a man dips his balls into the liquid.

Nick asked Jess if she liked hard boiled eggs in her mouth. She proceeded to fill her mouth with water and Nick went to town.

by Do close the door March 16, 2022

Hard Burger

It's when you overcook the burger, and it becomes well-well done.

Damien: Here is your burger bro
Diesel: Thanks, man...What is this?
Damien: It's called a Hard Burger .
Diesel:...I hate it...
Damien: Ow my feelings.

by LuckySandvich August 11, 2016

Try-hard Comedian

A person who tries way too hard to make a joke, but ends up making an ass of themselves. On occasions, they'll bring up memes from 2009 and call them relevant.

Get a load of that try-hard comedian over there. He's such a jackass.

by Ireallycan'tthinkofaname December 4, 2020