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Dead Club City

Dead Club City is a concept album written and performed by English rock band, Nothing But Thieves. It revolves around a city sized members club and the characters either residing there or deciding whether to join. The album explores a variety of themes about love, power, fame, success and wanting to belong. It also features a fictional band called the Zzzeros.

Welcome to the DCC - Dead Club City - Live your perfect life

by Sunny23uk January 22, 2025

The Irish Club

Arguably the best pub in Mount Isa Queensland, this classic pub is home to the quietest people with the shortest fuses, a pub with the most pokies in town, 2 massive decks, free pool tables, a big screen for the footy, the cheapest grog and a club area that opens Saturday nights hosted by Project 4825 where all the moles shake their holes and end up pregnant by 1am

We going to The Irish Club tonight or what?

Fuck yeah cuz

by I'm anybody's man August 22, 2022

Super adventure club

It’s about how white explorers in South Park the show (fictions show) went around colonizing country’s meaning taking control of indegionous people had to do with the word colon minerals and electrolytes behind people’s anus but you can’t compare that in real life bc all Europeans didn’t do that or close to none

Super adventure club
rob (a place) using violence, especially in wartime.
the action of pillaging a place or property, especially in wartime.
synonyms: robbery, robbing, raiding, plunder, looting, sacking, rape, marauding; literaryrapine
"the rebels were intent on pillage"

“Super adventure club”

by Bob101bob August 30, 2018

4-20 Club

A person who is a dedicated marijuana user or a refer head. Date of April 20th is when the use of marijuana in the USA is now legalized.

Me: “I just found out that Joe is part of the 4-20 Club.”
Friend: “4-20 Club?” “What’s that?”
Me: “He’s a refer head.”
Friend: “Oh!”

by T Bee October 12, 2021

Eating Club

An organization for a group of foodies that get together multiple times a month to try new things, have unique dining experiences, meets new people, and support the local economy.

Syracuse, NY is the only city in the USA with an Eating Club

by theeatingclub.co January 12, 2022

run club

an entirely overused concept typically found in large urban centers

Wanna join my new run club?
No, I’m already in five of them.

by runrunrunman May 21, 2024

Mile Low Club

When in an airplane while grounded, 2 individuals have sex in the bathroom on the plane. The male ejaculates into the female while grounded, when the plane becomes airborne the semen continues to climb into the vagina cavity of his partner.

Steve wanted to become a member of the mile high club but could not contain himself with the young flight attendant. They had sex in the bathroom on a delay in Denver. Once the plane took off and her stomach felt awkward Stephani realized she was a member of the mile low club.

by Nipple Knockers May 14, 2022