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big tuna

NFL Coach Bill Parcels.

The Big Tuna's takin the Cowboys to the Superbowl this year.

by Biff Buttsack September 1, 2006

72πŸ‘ 67πŸ‘Ž

big hoss

The absolute boss of all bosses, he calls the shots and people listen. Also has an extra large penis that all the ladies love but creepy hispanic men are very jealous of and like to call gay.

That fella Nick sure does seem like the big hoss around progressive.

by azbdn October 22, 2012

89πŸ‘ 84πŸ‘Ž

Big Brained

Said mockingly to describe people (like politicians and intellectuals) who use double-think, conceptualism and mental gymnastics to convince people of things that go against common sense and their own interests, but can also refer to plans or "solutions" which are unnecessarily convoluted. Usually such plans/"solutions" are intentionally complicated for the purpose of hiding ulterior motives.

"The solution is simple, but these big brained politicians have to make everything complicated."

"You have to be pretty big brained to understand that 1 and 1 is actually 11, and not 2."

"Intellectuals want to implement their big brained plans to engineer society."

by SpermDonor June 8, 2018

15πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Big 3

The three largest cities in the United States(New York, Los Angeles,and Chicago). They often compete with each other over who's the best. Each has advantages and disadvantages over each other.

Chicago is not as expensive as Los Angeles and New York. Chicago is not all crowded like New York. Chicago has the gorgeous Lake Front.

New York is home to many famous celebrations such as New Years. New York has many theaters.

Los Angeles has better weather than both Chicago and New York. Los Angeles has some of the best women around.

All have traffic congestion.

All cities of the Big 3 are fascinating places.

by 65416514651561465 April 29, 2007

16πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

big toe

From the movie Stripes, it was used as a satirical compliment for Sgt Hulka who they just couldn't do without.

Someone who annoyingly goes overboard to get something done just to show up everyone, and then makes a total ass of himself, but won't admit it.

Someone who thinks he's in charge, while at the same time his "underlings" show outward support, but actually this person has no idea what he's doing and everyone else knows it.

From the movie Stripes: Winger - "An army without leaders is like a foot without a big toe. And Sergeant Hulka is always gonna be here to be that big toe for us."

Nice job, Big Toe.

How's our Big Toe doing today?

by pedicabber May 15, 2005

15πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Big dick

Carter Reid Sweeten has a big fat cock

When she’s screaming big dick and tell you to stop

by Chicken strips11 June 21, 2018

22πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

big issue

A magazine sold by the homeless people in the UK who scrounge off of Insane Power's tax money.

A "Big Issue" for Insane Power is Flemingovia stealing his taxes and using it to sell Big Issue so he can buy crack for his son, or something like that.

by OMG nationstates September 26, 2005

16πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž