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firing off some ass missels

when you have been cramping and you sit on the throne and take a dump and it violently shoots out splashing in to the toilet bowl like a rocket shot in the water usualy accompanied by a loud fart and a splash in the bowl all at the same time.

oh oh man I need to go in the bathroom that burger king breakfast is going right through me
whats that noise
oh dont go near the shitter vins in there firing off some ass missels

by skyjack_fixer@yahoo.com February 3, 2009

365πŸ‘ 102πŸ‘Ž

get along like a house on fire

To have a great relationship with someone quickly.

" I was worried when my boyfriend and father met for the first time. However, they got along like a house on fire because they both like watching football and playing poker."

A: Do you like your new roommate?
B: Yeah! We get along like a house on fire! We both like the same things and we are both clean people!

by SamyTuca November 7, 2013

44πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Fire Boat Salute In Dry Dock

Same as a fire boat salute, but done in an empty bath tub. Could also be done on any type of dry surface or land, that is not on water.

While laying in the bathtub, I gave myself a fire boat salute in dry dock.

by Murph 001 May 2, 2008

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

The Buffalo Wild Wings Breath of Fire

Use this sexual technique to spice things up in bed. While performing oral sex, a man applies a tablespoon (or as much sauce as necessary) of Buffalo Wild Wings Mild Hot Sauce to the palm of his hand. He then continues to lather it on his scrotum pole until the entirety of the shaft is orange in color. He then screams a ferocious roar (replicating the mating call of a Buffalo) and inserts his penis into the mouth of the female. He will then hold her head down on his penis in a way where she is unable to move her head. When he has reached the point of the climax, he will ejaculate in the female’s mouth, while dipping his fingers in the excess sauce to rub in the female’s eyes (or slapping her across the face with the sauce while saying β€œ I like your cut g.”). The immense pain from the hot sauce in the woman’s eyes will cause her to scream, releasing the breath of fire, while also releasing a booming roar (sounding similar to that of the mating call of a female Buffalo). Therefore comes the name The Buffalo Wild Wings Breath of Fire.

β€œBro, I had leftover sauce from B Dubs so I got home and gave my girl The Buffalo Wild Wings Breath of Fire!”

by zachoconnell December 5, 2020

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Hanging out at the fire house

playing with big trucks, putting the wet stuff on the hot stuff, usually with lots and lots of beer, you get very thirsty putting or waiting to put the wet stuff on the hot stuff

A funny thing happened the last time I was hanging out at the fire house.......

by kimmieflirts July 17, 2008

2πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

earth, fire, water, air (lays)

A funny meme which plays on the air to potato chip ratio of a packet of Lays potato chips. Many people have criticised Lays for the lack of actual chips in their packets (70% air, 30% actual potato chips) So, the person behind this did a pretty good job portraying this.

Avatar: Earth, Fire, Water, Air!
Director of Avatar: The Last Airbender: Wait! Maybe you should whisper Lays after you've said that!
Avatar: What the hell is that?
Director of Avatar: The Last Airbender: It's a very funny meme. It's based on the fact that Lays scams us by giving us 70% air and 30% actual potato chips in a packet.
Avatar: Come on, that's stupid.
Director of Avatar: The Last Airbender: Boy, if you wanted to get fired that easily, you just could've asked...
Avatar: N..n..no! Please! Oh, I'll do it!
Director of Avatar: The Last Airbender: That's the spirit! Now, action!
Avatar: earth, fire, water, air (lays)
Director of Avatar: The Last Airbender: Perfect!

by LemonSucker99 February 27, 2017

Spittin' hot fire.

When one hits on a girl, and knows he is succeeding.

Yo what you doin bro?
I'm "Spittin' hot fire."

by Return of the Mack March 16, 2009

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