An international code signal of extreme distress, used especially by ships at sea.
A call for help, stands for “Save Our Ship” but is often used in emergencies.
Dr. Brown just called in an SOS in the emergency room!
Stuck on stupid. An individual who has used far too many drugs, or is the offspring of parents who may have done too many drugs. They constantly have a perpetual appearance of being under the influence. Rare cases of self induced SOS exist, but are a fucktard pile of amazement.
Man, that dude was so burnt, he was straight SOS.
misspelling of s u s
" S U S ! "
" A M O G U S "
*amogus music
Tit or Tat
Shit or Shat
Ain't no one got any time for that
I hope you enjoyed this stupid rhyme
And that you think of it all the time
SOS, please help me, Busta Rhyme
you got cut off or trying to save urself from saying so stupid