that means that u lost the argument and that you’re a dumb bitch
shut up girl
i‘ll pray for u
when you are to lazy to say "thank you so much" so instead you use thx u sm
- I bought you a present
-thx u sm
yes i’ll show up to all movies
he said gr at it cd u i c c o so thats guaranteed he’ll show up to the movies
To make a U turn in a vehicle.
I went the wrong way so i popped a U turn.
numbers of U D
(the numbers)
Urban Dictionary : example
dir_‡1370†5100†2248†1370‡513‡ 12/22‡###†$vol†###‡
Numbers of U D
banknote example 1111.1111.1111.1111.111
numbers of U D ; sections , chains of pages online & indexes , Date and time & ID
A mythical learning institution as referenced in Wicked.
The consultant hired doesn't seem educated, must be a Shiz U graduate.