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A person with the name Daniels, can be a good friend most of the time but also a dick if people be a dick to him. He may stutter once in a while but manages. Somehow this person has good friends.
This person can lie sometimes but tell the truth in the end. They are also lazy and like video games. All round SEXY BEASTS!!!!!

Person1:This dude is awesome bro.
Person2: yeah that’s probably a Daniels.

by MyNameIsTotallyNotDaniels August 19, 2019


Long neck man

Daniel has a long neck

by George.Floyd March 24, 2021


a thin and short guy, but actually strong. has dimples, kind, a fast runner, plays footy mainly, but could play any sport if you taught him, and really funny. has the cutest smile and his classmates call him danny boy, daniel or just danny. doesn’t matter if you a girl or dog or any kind of creature, he can probably have a long conversation with you and at the end of it, you’ll want to hear more of what this guy has to say. most daniels have extremely clear and soft skin, and only use water and a very old and maybe expired moisturiser. also the name of 2 guys i’ve had crushes on. (this is #1)

Person 1: damn daniel has really clear skin!

Person 2: i know right?! he actually won the genetics lottery!

Daniel: *washing his face with drink tap water and putting on some old-ass looking moisturiser*

by vvv_143 September 16, 2023


Daniel is a fairly handsome boy and all the girls want him.He may seem tough, but he’s really a softie. He is super musical, and has a lot of friends in the gang. Let’s hope they don’t change the soft boy we love.

Michelle:”Hey broski you wanna smoke?”
Daniel:”Nah, I’m watching frozen 2 with my little sister.”

by Trash bag in the bathroom December 29, 2020


A Daniel is the most fucking badass you know. He's a living legend that will never die. Combinded with oats, makes a leathal weapon capable of destroing the entire universe

Wow. That dude is awsome. He's such a Daniel

by Bigchungz September 24, 2019


A very nice guy who loves pretty much everyone. He is known for being extremely friendly and approachable and is seen as an overall good guy. He is secretly one of the freakiest people you will ever meet however as they hide their true selves around everyone. You can usually find the best one's in small discord servers with cat pfp's. Daniel's are also known for their top tier clipping abilities usually having atleast 20 clips in their possession be careful when saying freaky shit.

Did you know secretly freaky he's such a Daniel

by Dantheclipper January 16, 2025


A person who enjoys annoying people and saying the words spleen and foot. They are self scented and dont respect anyone!

"SPLEEN" that is what a daniel does!

by :):):):)!!! June 25, 2020