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beef hard

When something is super hard, or too hard.

"That math test was beef hard"

by beefhard May 20, 2019


Prison term that describes an inmate that concerns themself with things that are out of their control; making their prison sentence alot harder than it is

Chris: Mike is always worried about shit that he can't control.

Alex: Yea, Mike is always "hard-timing."

by Pharmacyboy101 December 15, 2023

hard expounded

To do it hard the right way.

OOoo I hard expounded her good.

by upincider321 January 21, 2011

net hard

when some on is on the internet talking junk only because they are not face to face with you, miles and miles away!

"Oh I'm a ni99er! O..OK you are really net hard on Halo right now"

"Why these people on Facebook so net hard, I bet they wouldn't say that to my face!"

by mrsvee November 16, 2011

hard science fiction

Hard science fiction is a category of science fiction characterized by an emphasis on scientific or technical detail, or scientific accuracy, or both. Typically, this is in the form of very grounded fiction without supernatural, magical, or usually aliens with an emphasis on realistic storytelling within our current knowledge of physics.

Andy Weir's the Martian and Adrian Tchaicovsky's Children of Time are great hard science fiction novels.

by Anonymous1408 December 4, 2021

Try-hard Comedian

A person who tries way too hard to make a joke, but ends up making an ass of themselves. On occasions, they'll bring up memes from 2009 and call them relevant.

Get a load of that try-hard comedian over there. He's such a jackass.

by Ireallycan'tthinkofaname December 4, 2020

Acts hard

Bobby chapman

Bobby chapman acts hard

by Urapussy February 8, 2023