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Jack in the crack

Sum hyna on tiktok saying "Jack in the crack"

jack in the crack jack in the box

by Kash2400BlockHugger December 24, 2023

Burnt Ass Crack End

The end of a joint. Tastes like burnt ass crack.

This joint got that burnt ass crack end.

by Urmomhasligma March 24, 2023

Crack the whale

To bang, do the nasty, horizontal tango,

OMG did you guys just crack the whale???

You guys were so loud cracking the whale

by Whalecracker September 2, 2015

crack heading

giving all your attention to an outside source of entertainment. Also the act of prolonging virginity, because you aint gettin laid

John: yo wanna grab a slice at ray's

Mike: nah man i'm crack heading halo maybe tuesday I'll be done

John: bro its friday

by cock-a-sauraus October 21, 2007

cracking the whip

When you accidentally drop the charging part or, micro usb-b connector for your phone charger, possibly damaging the charger and wire if dropped hard enough.

Bro 1: What happened to your charger?

Bro 2: I cracking the whip so many times on it that it broke.

by lionlionlion April 25, 2020

Cracking the whip

The reaction, typically by a white “ally” of people of color, to a minority or person of color who chooses to vote outside of the political alignment they are expected to be loyal to as a member of their race.

Tyrone told some of his white friends that he was voting Republican instead of Democrat. They shared all kinds of racist memes about him, called him racial slurs, absolutely awful stuff. They could not help but cracking the whip on him for what they called “voting wrong.”

by June 1, 2023

Big craigs crack dealership

yeh i thought it was a pretty good definition ive also been saying yes to all your definitions they are pretty good ngl

yo have you heard of Big craigs crack dealership
yeah they are pretty good at definitions

by Some_Person_Was_Taken May 9, 2020