a 17 year old sweet girl that doesnt deserve any hate but still does. She is unproblematic, she vaped once and people think thats an insult.
Person: Hey have you seen Charli Damelio, shes so sweet
Me: Yeah! she doesnt deserve any hate!
Charli Damelio is a famous tiktoker that also does photo shoots, interviews ect. She is also a dancer a great dancer. She can be pretty problematic sometimes but her fans and supporters will still support her no matter what.
i love Charli Damelio
a person who is a great role model and treats her friends, fans, and family right! also a person who is so talented and doesn’t care what other people have to say to her online, also on social media!
charli damelio is my idol!
Charli damelio is 17 years old and she is also a BEAUTIFUL queen! she deserves the world! she gets so much hate for no reason at ALL!
Charli damelio
17 years old
charli damelio is a viral influencer that got famous around 2019/2020 from dancing on the social media platform tiktok. many people make fanpages of her and her fandom is called "dunkins"
Person 1 "omg i love charli d'amelio!, she's my idol and i even have a fanpage of her"
Person 2 "nice i like addison rae"
A girl who got the hype for moving her arms on Tik Tok. She thinks everyone has somethings against her but litterally no one does. She thinks shes a baddie for moving her arms.
Charli Damelio was taking up space in the corner cying about Lil Huddy
charli damelio is a tiktokstar from a social app called 'tiktok' almost at 100M followers. Known for her dancing skillz and her fame.
girl 1:woah is that CHARLI DAMELIO
girl 2: whos charli?
girl 1 charli is my idol from tiktok!! i need to take a picture !!.