Faggot that loves cock up the bum and stalks/follows everybody.
He is a pussy as well, who is shit at soccer.
Needs to Grow a Dick.
Get a real Girlfriend, Not Sid The Sloth.
Pussy Faggot"Scoot (Tom)"
Tom Holland Simps live 5-15 years
How long Tom Holland Simps liveOMG YOUR A Tom Holland Simps love 5-15 years you are going to die
I don’t know...he’s just like there I guess.
A bit of an arsehole.
A fat prick who eats a box of krave every day and can't run 10 yards without being out of breath.
He climbs half way up scaffolding and pisses himself when he is shit scared.
How ever he could kick the shit out of anyone and loves to bear hug people.
He also looks like Chet out of the belko experiment.
That Tom jolley cunt
Tom jolley meaning fat
Biggest flop in south-east, biggest bitch snitches on everyone
You see that gimp right there, yeah thats tom dempsey
An Australian mammal found typically in the south-east, around Melbourne. He has a large head, narrow torso and long legs. His penis is around 11 inches long, and he typically mates at least 20 times per week. He spends most of the day in his den, watching live sports and masturbating to Dustin Martin highlights. When provoked, he is extremely hostile and can cause serious injury or death.
“What is the deadliest animal in Australia?”
“Tom Harris for sure”.